Basic skills of sabong: judging the breed and weight of a fighting cock

As we all know, the fighting level of gamecocks mainly depends on daily feeding and training, and its ornamental value is related to the species of gamecocks. The ornamental value of various gamecocks has its own advantages and disadvantages. Now let’s talk about gamecock strains.


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Chinese sabong: Luxi sabong, Zhangzhou sabong, Yunnan sabong and Xinjiang sabong.
In the world, there are Vietnamese sabong, Thai sabong, Japanese sabong, Philippine sabong and so on.
The Saigon gamecocks in Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam are purebred devil gamecocks. Check out s888, you can get sabong knowledge.

Central Plains Gamecock

The Central Plains gamecock is half-fusiform, with a small head and thin and tight scalp. Face slope is long, capillary. The crown is tumor-like. The wattle is no longer obvious. The beak is short and thick and curved, the eyes are large, the eye sockets are deep, and the iridescence is water white eyes and pea green eyes. The ear lobe is short.
There are many kinds of feather colors for fighting cocks. The feathers of black-feathered fighting cocks are glossy like black satin. The down feathers on the abdomen are white. Or with white spots, the hen has the red and white of cowpea. In addition, there are purple feathers, white feathers and flower feathers. The shin is flesh-colored, without shin feathers. Four toes, wide apart.

Luxi game chicken is a local breed of play and enjoyment, and is known as the four major game cocks in China together with Anhui game cock, Zhangzhou game cock and Henan game cock. The origin and central production areas of Luxi Gamecock are Heze, Juancheng, Caoxian, Chengwu and other cities in the southwest of Shandong Province.

physical appearance
Appearance features: tall, semi-rhomboid, muscular and muscular. The body is compact and strong. Adult gamecocks have the characteristics of “eagle beak, goose neck, high legs, and ostrich body”. The head is small, and the scalp is thin and firm. The face is long and narrow, with fine hair. The beak is yellow or jade white, mostly yellow, short and thick, and curved.
The crown is tumor-shaped, and there are two types: “crane top” and “Taishan top”, with “crane top” being the best. The wattle is no longer obvious. The eyes are big, with deep eye sockets, and can be divided into water white eyes and pea green eyes. The ear lobes are short and red. The iridescence is orange-yellow.
The skin is white, with reddish spots. The shanks are yellow or water white, mostly yellow. Four toes, wide apart.
There are many kinds of feather colors, mainly black, red and white, as well as purple feathers and flower feathers. Black-feathered gamecocks have glossy black satin-like feathers, and white belly feathers; red-feathered gamecocks have maroon plumage; white gamecocks have pure white coats without variegated feathers.
Chick fluff mainly has black, yellow, hemp, white and other colors.

Vietnamese Sabong

Vietnamese gamecocks are quite good, flexible and changeable, but their fighting spirit is not as good as that of Central Plains gamecocks. Vietnamese gamecocks basically have bare necks, and the hair on their wings and legs is relatively thin, or even none. The necks of Vietnamese gamecocks are very long and their skeletons are tall. , the legs are slender, and the overall impression is that it is tall and hairless. Vietnamese fighting cocks have many skills when fighting. Pressing the neck, controlling the chicken on both sides, and scratching the back of the head are all characteristics of Vietnamese fighting cocks. Many cockfighting lovers who like to play games will choose Vietnamese cockfighting. However, Vietnamese cockfighting is not good-looking because of its thin and thin hair, so people who like to watch it will not choose Vietnamese cockfighting.

Turpan cockfight
The fur color of Turpan fighting cock is relatively mixed, there are three kinds of coat colors: black, light hemp, and chestnut brown. The top of the head is broad, flat and long. The beak is short and curved, strong and powerful. The bones are thick and strong. The chest muscles are well developed and broad. The legs and neck are long, and the body is mighty when erect, full of the characteristics of a fighting cock. The crown is a compound crown, short, slightly higher than the head feathers, the crown color is dark red, the earlobe and beard are red, the eyes are red, and some are brown. The upper beak is brown, the lower beak is light yellow, and there is a red skin fold in the lower part of the beak connected with the neck, and there is light yellow thin hair on the fold. The wings are short, close to the body, and the wing feathers are reddish brown, hemp or black. Tail feathers short. The sickle feathers of the rooster are high, and the tail feathers are mostly black with turquoise luster. The shanks are long and straight, flesh-colored or black, with feathers on the outside of the shanks.

Thai Sabong

Thai fighting cock, a fine breed among fighting cocks, has bright-coloured, compact feathers, sticking to the body surface, long tail, rich hair, wide distance between the legs, sharp claws, strong adaptability, beautiful, bright-colored feathers, and is brave and good at fighting. Ornamental game cock
Generally speaking, a good fighting cock not only requires a heroic appearance and a strong physique, but also has very complicated and strict requirements for its bloodline and fighting performance, which is difficult for any other chicken breeds.

  1. Fighting nature: A good gamecock must fight personally (that is, take the initiative to find the other party to attack) in any situation, especially in the back game (that is, the final stage of the battle) to fight personally, to fight lying chickens, and to fight in the last game (both sides have completely Exhausted), lie down rather than walk, die rather than submit, fight to the end as long as there is breath left, no retreating performance is allowed during the attack, no half-hearted offensive posture, the attack must be resolute and proactive.
  2. Bones: According to the special character of fighting cocks and the needs of fighting, their bones must be solid. The length and thickness of the bones in each part should be even.
  3. Body shape: The front chest should be wide, the feathers should be compact, the body frame should be sideways, and the standing position should be thick and column tail. Therefore, there is a mantra among fighting cock feeders: “Small head, big body frame, thin waistline and crawling claws. “. And use this to select the size of the chicken. Crab-covered body and jujube-pit body are not welcome.
  4. Weight: The weight of game cocks is generally divided into three levels. The weight of large game cocks is about 4 kg, the weight of medium game cocks is about 3.5 kg, the weight of small game cocks is about 3 kg, and the weight of super-large cocks is about 5 kg. The bulky body and slow movement are not conducive to fighting, so very few people feed super-large chickens. The weight of fighting hens is smaller than that of roosters. Large hens weigh more than 3.5 kg, medium ones about 3 kg, and small hens weigh 2.5 kg. Zhangzhou game cock is a medium-sized game cock.
  5. Coat color: Fighting cock lovers are very particular about the feather color of fighting cocks. Generally, blue, red, purple, and soap are used as colors. Cyan is jet-black feathers, with turquoise flashes on the front, white underline, and white sand tail. In some places, green chickens are called “dark clouds cover snow”. Red means that the back of the neck is red, the fringe is taupe, and the tail is black or with white sand. The fluff of the red chicken after hatching is white, so Kaifeng fans often call the red chicken “white fleece”. Purple means that the feathers on the back of the neck are dark red or black red, and there are two kinds of purple and white velvet. Soap color means that the whole body feathers are black, as black as soap cloth without light. The above four coat colors are top grade. The other white, reed, and persimmon yellow hairs are the lower colors. Cockfighting experts often say: “Only feed green, red, purple, and soap, not white, persimmon, and flower feathers.” All kinds of feather colors require correct color and good luster, with white sand tails and white wings.
  6. Head: Relatively speaking, it is better to have a small head with a thin face and a thin skin. Earrings should be small and not heavy. The forehead should be broad and thick, the eye sockets should be deep and big, the crown should be small and upright, and the facial features should be harmonious. The shape of the mouth is required to be thick and straight, long and pointed, sharp and sharp. Bow-shaped mouths are not welcome.
  7. Big legs and claws: The purpose of the so-called cockfighting is to defeat the opponent. The weapons used are the legs and the mouth. After biting, the strength of the mouth is used to fly and hit the opponent’s head, killing, knocking down, and running away. victory. However, there is a general rule among various fighting styles and fights, that is, the law of mutual restraint (compatibility) (except in special cases). Under the condition of knowing the fighting style of the opponent’s cock, choosing a fighting style that is compatible with the cockfighting can greatly improve the fighting style. improve the chances of winning. If you want to enjoy the exciting sabong game, you can go to S888 to experience it. You will not be disappointed here. Detailed game information is here.

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